Cave Ridge Vineyards

It was an honor to play out at Cave Ridge Vineyards on July 30th. Not only did I get to see a lot of faces of friends that I haven't seen in years, but I also got the privilege to play music live with my father, Dana LaFever. He taught me some years ago how to play blues harp and that is something I'll take with me for the rest of my life, but I am nowhere near the skill level that this man has on the harp. I couldn't be more fortunate. 

I was also lucky enough to get my good friend Kyle Ervin up on stage with me. We've had a tough year, we all have  here in Shenandoah County, my heart hurts, but being able to play music together for you all and see your smiling faces and feel the love brings me some solace, and I know that the ones we have lost would be there on stage or out enjoying the summer days with us. 

I guess where I am going with this post is to give thanks for life. We never know how sudden it can all go away, our loved ones leave us, and we leave them. It should just go to show to not take things for granted. It's easy to make a positive impact in each others lives, to spread love and acceptance, rather that hate and fear. You don't know how much it can affect someone, or how it can affect yourself. At the end of the day, our time is short here and it's filled with pain and sorrow, but also love and joy. Let's all pitch in and love each other a little more, it can really go a long way. I am so thankful to be from the area that I am from and have the friends and family that I have, and I hope that whoever is reading this realizes that I am grateful for them being in my life and part of this musical journey of mine. Now Cheers! I'll see your beautiful faces soon! 

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